Brain X TrainerTM5 is a Brain Fitness Cross Training Software Tool researched and developed in Malaysia through the collaboration of academics, medical doctors, psychologists and software engineers with the sole purpose of providing a readily accessible and easy to use tool that implements some of the best available scientifically proven methods of enhancing your children's basic cognitive skills that are essential for learning in order to boost your children from the ranks of the average to the elite.

Our system & individualiser accounts and the ability to track and store results instantly allows the computer to automatically record and analyse times and scores and present the resulting information as immediate feedback in an easy to understand format with just a click of the mouse. This allows you to maximise the time spent on training without having to track and compile scores. The use of the computer can also help to facilite an increase in self-esteem and there is an added benefit in fine motor skill improvement from the interaction with the mouse.

Grab your Brain XTrainer copy from Cambridge EL ENGLISH & ENRICHMENT STUDIO for only RM160.00 and RM10.00 will be donated to charity causes.